
Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Traffic Rules In India, We Must Follow

Should we follow traffic rules in India for life and safety. The Indian traffic rules are very simple and easy to follow, if Indian people want to understand rules and regulation. According to Indian law, traffic rules pursuance through their maintainability by people. Rules and law need to appropriate for people, what they serve among them. The Rules are the basically the user guideline for safe drive live, live a long life.

traffic rules

Some important points to follow them is compulsory by the people to follow the rules:
  • Right way of pedestrian point. 
  • Parking of vehicles is well meaner. 
  • Do not obstruct overtaking on the road. 
  • One way to use. 
  • Always follow Lane discipline. 
  • U turns takes right time on the road. 
  • Hand signal to use passing time. 
  • Do not Excessive honking. 
  • Respect traffic signs & traffic police. 
  • Follow speed restriction.
traffic rules
What happen if we cannot obey the traffic rules: - Without rules people can do any bad things. They can selfish for their duty. Traffic rules are important because they are our own safety. We may face the serious injury, face, fine, leading to death, damage of property. "Why the Government makes the Rules:" for our safety and help to the safe drive. Traffic police can punish for both money and jail, if we break the rules for the driving time. Always obey the traffic rules to me.

Most important slogans to obey the traffic rules: -

  • Follow rules, drive carefully.
  • A safer you is a safe me.
  • An accident can finish your carrier.
  • Danger never takes a vacations.
  • Don't drink and drive.
  • Stay alive, drive low-speed.
  • Wear the helmet when drive the bike.
  • Accident always hurt, but safety doesn't.
  • Safe drive enjoy the fully life.
  • If you want to married divorce the speed.
  • Keep alert today, alive tomorrow with family.
  • Don't be fool, use the proper tool kit.
  • "
What will happen in future if we do not follow the rules : - If we will not follow the path then we have to face traffic jam problems. The Ambulance and fire van is stuck in the traffic jam so due to this reason getting a lot of lost. We cannot offer the medical, fire and any emergency facility for the people. Think about it, what you do about it. An accident can happen anytime, anybody.

ambulance stuck

First of all the rules follow by the ruler, than restrict to the people. In India mostly rule is broken by the ruler so that first they are banned for the rules.

Recommended: Traffic Safety Signs and Their Meanings in India

1 comment:

  1. Traffic rule should be followed by every person this rule avoid the traffic on road.
    Thank You,
